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Submitted by: Ray Subs
With more women than ever opting to live without a spouse, women’s self defense is more important than ever. Women are feeling more comfortable choosing the single life than ever before, but there are drawbacks. Without another adult in the home, self defense becomes both more difficult and more important. Here are six ways to stay safe at home using self defense items.
1. Use hidden spy cameras to find out about criminal activity in your home. These self defense products can alert you to the presence of someone in your home when you are away. The can be hooked up to a computer so that you can access them from any other computer with internet. You can make your self defense plans based on what you see on the video from the hidden spy cameras.
2. Get personal alarms that can double as door alarms. It is good to have a security system on your home, but it may fail in a power outage. Certain personal alarms can be used to rig the door of the room where you sleep so that you will know if any intruder is near. You can also use these self defense products on main doors to the home. They come in handy when you need extra self defense items.
3. Keep self defense weapons handy. Buy pepper sprays, stun guns, or tasers as you see fit to defend yourself in your own home. Keep them where you can reach them at a moment’s notice. Get them out and test them from time to time. That will not only guarantee that they will work when needed; it will also remind you of where you have them stashed.
4. If you have children, do not leave your women’s self defense products where the kids can reach them. Older children such as teenagers may be very adept at using self defense weapons, but small children may hurt themselves if they are allowed to play with the self defense items. They may also disable the self defense products so that they are not ready for use in an emergency.
5. Conceal your women’s self defense products. You will want to have self defense products put away in locations around your home for easy access. At the same time, you cannot be everywhere in your home at once. If you are in your kitchen, you have to be prepared for the possibility that someone might break in the front door. Any self defense items that are out in plain sight might be used on you instead of the other way around. That is why your stun guns, pepper sprays, and tasers must be stowed where an intruder will not immediately see them.
6. Use women’s self defense DVD’s to learn how to defend yourself. There are dozens of great DVD’s that can help you learn defensive moves to stop an attacker before he can do you any serious harm. DVD’s are a great tool because you can learn from these self defense items in the comfort of your home and refresh your learning as often as necessary.
Staying safe at home is vital if you are to live a free and comfortable life on your own. Women’s self defense products can only help you protect yourself if you know how to use them and use them wisely. Do all you can to practice smart women’s self defense and make your home safe for yourself and your loved ones.
About the Author: Ray Subs works with aaa-Safety First as a public relations consultant, more information about self defense products can be found at
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