Submitted by: Aaron Dopko
Organic Gardening is to plant and grow your crops without the use of synthetic fertilizers, chemical pesticides and any other chemical synthetic products, ensuring it is 100 percent natural. Having said that, many people are still doing it wrongly.
This article will focus on the 5 Common reasons why you must go organic. In other words, start an organic garden.
Common Reason #1: Reduce Risk of Health Problems
Since organic gardening would not be using chemicals, it will definitely reduce risk of health problems.
Many argued that chemical companies says that the chemicals they use are safe, but research shows that even a tiny amount of poison absorbed through the skin might cause deadly health problems, like cancer. This happens, sadly mostly among children.
On the average, a child ingests about 4-5 times more cancer causing pesticides from food than a normal adult.
This will lead to other problems in a child’s future life. But with organic gardening, it reduces this likelihood.
Prevent what can be prevented.
Common Reason #2: Less Harm to YOUR Environment
After a heavy rain, the chemical poisons may be washed into the water, polluting both the water and fishes.
In some countries, some would use the unknowingly polluted water to wash their clothes or even drinking uses. How dangerous is that?
Common Reason #3: Prevent Loss of Top Soil
Organic Practices prevents the loss of top soil through erosion.
Soil Conservation Services backs it up by saying that an estimated 30-32 billion tons of soil erodes from United States farmlands every year.
Common Reason #4: Tremendous Savings
You do not have to buy chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Save on those and use natural organic matters.
You can mix your own organic recipes straight from the kitchen cupboard. How convenient. You don’t have to rush down to the gardening center specially for that chemical solution.
(A simple example recipe would be mixing 1 tablespoon of liquid dish washing soap and 1 cup of cooking oil to make a cheap garden pest spray. Then, mix 3 parts of this mixture with 1 part of water and spray onto plants.)
An additional tip to save extra money and problem would be to plant companion crops near the main crop. An example would be the marigold which helps repel aphids from your precious vegetables.
Common Reason #5: Maximizing Your Garbage by Recycling
People have always been asking you to recycle your products because it helps save your environment.
Now you can put your garden and kitchen waste to good use by reusing and recycling it as organic fertilizers.
It may be time consuming for some but definitely much healthier than chemical pesticides.
Besides, putting your garbage to good use help saves your environment.
These are the few most common reasons why many had started on organic gardening. However, statistics have been shown that it’s mainly due to the health issue that many are afraid of. If you are like one of them who worries for your family, go organic.
About the Author: Aaron Dopko is an organic gardening addict and pest control freak. Recently, he went crazy, revealing his COMPLETE Step-By-Step blueprint to start and maintain an organic garden. Aaron invites you to grab his FREE organic gardening tips package at
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