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Submitted by: Ca. Ganz
Setting up an e-commerce or your business online is a daunting task since it not only involves setting up a business, you also have to undergo the rigorous method of establishing your website or an online storefront.
New businesses online are thriving because the medium allows you to reach thousands of potential customers in less than a minute unlike the traditional business medium.
Entrepreneurs tap on the potentials of establishing new businesses online because of the availability of cheap, sophisticated, and easy-to-use e-commerce services.
So how do you start you an online business? Those who already have their small business and only want to expand by selling items over the Internet can simply pull someone from their staff to oversee the website. If you’re familiar on Internet marketing, you can perform this task easily.
Setting up a website does not suffice. New businesses online put up shopping-cart software services that allow them to take orders and calculate shipping and tax rates and as well as send order notifications and invoices. You can avail these services for about $29 to $79 every month. Try to stick with the popular options by seeking guide from experienced users online.
It is also imperative for your online business to employ an Internet merchant account from banks that accept credit card payments online. Not all banks are savvy with negotiating online transactions so be careful with your choices. You can also search for “credit card processing” online. Various non-banking companies provide services for new businesses online.
Aside from an Internet merchant account, the next step is to get a payment gateway account that ties up your customer’s credit card account into your Internet merchant account. This type of service verifies the information provided by credit cardholders, transfers requests and authorizes cards.
If you’re a budget conscious entrepreneur and do not wish to use these sophisticated services, you can opt for a popular account-based system that also accepts online payments. This system enables you to accept and send payments in real time through an email account. The fees charged for using this service is relatively lo compared to using premium services.
Designing your website and managing your online transaction cannot be completed without hosting your site. To do this, you need to search for a web-hosting company. There are also local hosting providers that cater to small businesses. It costs cheaper at about $10 per month for the domain name registration and an email account.
All of these options are for those who wish to build their business websites. If you choose not to build your own website, have others create it for you. There are one-stop website services offered online that features site-building tools, shopping-cart technology, domain name registration, and payment, shipping, tracking, and reporting systems. Most of these website offers a full-featured ad easy-to-customize web stores.
When searching for website solutions, look for companies that offer Internet marketing guides and as well as those that can help drive traffic into your store.
About the Author: Tired of not understanding certain aspects of
new businesses
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