How To Puppy Proof Your Home

Submitted by: Mike Lang

Puppies are cute offspring of adult dogs. Most of us would love to have one especially with our favorite breed. These little creatures require special attention as compared to older dogs as they are prone to many types of disease due to the fact that their immunity level is not yet fully developed. In addition, they tend to get into trouble as compared to the adult dogs as they are more curious with almost all of the stuffs they find in their surroundings. If you are planning on getting one, make sure that your house is puppy proofed in order to prevent accidents in the long run.

Puppy proofing your home may seem to be quite difficult and taxing especially if you have lots of stuffs inside the house. However, this is a very important thing to do in case you really would love to add a puppy into your family. If you do not know how to do this on your own, you can follow the simple steps on how you can make sure that your puppy is safe inside the house.


Cover Outlets most puppies tend to be destructive especially when mental stimulation is not being properly given to them. Play exercises are great for diverting the puppies drive to bite and chew on stuffs inside the house. As soon as the puppy receives his or her play time which in most cases will tire down the little creature, you can expect to see the pup mellow down and behave for a while. In most cases, puppies that are not given the required attention tend to bite what they see on the place. Outlets are among the common stuffs that are inside the house and are quite accessible to puppies due to the fact that most of these are installed low to the ground. Cover them with the appropriate guards that can be bought in the market. This will save the life of your puppy from getting electrocuted.

Wirings make sure that all of the wires are placed somewhere the puppy could not reach as this is among the common causes of deaths with these little fellows. Almost all puppies tend to have a problem with their chewing habits especially when they are almost on their teething stage.

Sandals, Shoes, and Slippers put these stuffs on places where the puppy could not access. Keep in mind that puppies would love to chew on almost anything. However, these should not be among their list of chewable things. You can always give the pup toys that are good for chewing as these will get the attention and will make him or her stay inactive for some time.

Puppy Training you can also get your puppy trained by a professional dog trainer in order to have a good discipline inside the house even at a very young age. Obedience training is very important as this will help you control your puppy from an early age until the time he or she reaches maturity.

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