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Submitted by: Jake D. Darren
Understanding the Structure of the Hand
You need to understand the mechanism by which your fingers, wrist, and hand works to understand carpal tunnel. You have several tendons in your forearm which run down to your wrist along with the median nerve.
There is a small space inside the wrist in which these tendons and median nerve run directly through this area. If it were not for the median nerve, you would not be able to control the movements of your thumb or first three fingers, except for the little finger.
When any pressure is applied to the median nerve this pressure pinches the nerve causing swelling which makes this space smaller for the tendons and nerve to do their job.
What Causes Carpal Tunnel?
The issues causing carpal tunnel are many such as chronic conditions like diabetes, arthritis, and hypothyroidism. If you use your hands and wrist a lot with the repetitious movement, such as computer work, you may develop carpal tunnel. Injuries to the wrist cause carpal tunnel.
Carpal tunnel can be painful, and your hands and arms may awaken you at night when they become tingling and numb. You may complain of pain between your elbow and hand. You may find it hard to pick up items or hold things without dropping them, due to weakness.
What are the Natural Options?
The pain, numbness, weakness, and tingling is what sends most people to a Las Vegas chiropractor. During your exam, the doctor may check,
The feeling and strength in your hands
The appearance of hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, and neck
May recommend some blood tests
May recommend nerve tests
If carpal tunnel worsens your doctor may recommend you have surgery on your wrists, unless you opt to treat your carpal tunnel naturally. In this case, some of the approaches your natural practitioner may recommend for noninvasive techniques. A Las Vegas chiropractor applies skill and knowledge through a natural route for healing carpal tunnel as seen in the following methods,
Spinal adjustments to the upper spine
The practitioner may manipulate the joints in the upper neck, shoulders, and spine. This method helps to improve the mobility of these joints. It loosens muscles that pass through the median nerve.
Make the area rest
Cold compresses to help reduce inflammation
Appropriate hand and arm exercises
Splints or braces at night to avoid bending of the wrists
Stretching and strengthening exercises
Low-level laser therapy
Ice massage
Interferential Current
Ultrasound Therapy is a proven and successful technique used if you have carpal tunnel. The device emits sound waves deep into your muscles. These sound waves help to reduce inflammation and eliminate pain.
You are not the same as another patient so what methods work for you may not work for another person. Your carpal tunnel problems did not originate overnight but over years of wear and tear on your wrist. Thousands of people who complain of discomfort from carpal tunnel were helped successfully through the powers of natural healing.
However, this successful healing does not happen overnight either. You must give natural remedies a chance and see what it can do for your carpal tunnel. With so many reported successes of the healing carpal tunnel, these methods are worth a try versus months of recuperation from a surgical procedure.
About the Author: When you are in need of the facts about a
Las Vegas chiropractor
, come to the web pages here today. More details are available at http://www.lakemeadchiropractic.org now.
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