Braces and Young Children
bryan altshuller
Parents may be slightly unenthusiastic about bringing a very young child in for orthodontics treatment at the office of orthodontists. Dr Bryan Altshuller commented that patients may feel quite uncomfortable preparing for that first visit. If a child is 7, 8, or 9 years old and is suffering from crooked teeth, parents may prefer to wait a few years prior to commencing orthodontics care. To the parent, it would be more beneficial and less traumatic to wait until the child is in his/her early teen years before getting braces. This is certainly the parents prerogative. It would, however, also be wise to point out the many benefits with having braces done when the child is still quite young.
For example, there are many problems that can befall the teeth and gums if treatment is not undertaken right away. Damage and trauma to the front teeth become more likely if the orthodontics work is put off for too long of a time. There is also the very serious and painful possibility that the teeth might end up being stuck under the gums. Similarly, braces can ensure that there is enough space in between the teeth. This way, when new teeth grow they will into the proper position and be crowded into an even worse and more crooked position. Having the child wear braces at an early age can enhance the potential to avoid such issues.
There can be more than a few complexities that arise when the childs teeth are growing. One common problem would be the positioning of the teeth as they grow into place. Braces can effectively guide the teeth into the proper position eliminating more complex procedures as the child grows older. Additionally, the size and width of the jaw can be properly aligned thanks to orthodontics work when the child is younger.
Generally, the running theme here is that the earlier you can start orthodontics work, the quicker you can correct problematic flaws. This means your child will not require more invasive treatment at a later date which is definitely something you would want to avoid. Work with a respected orthodontist such as Dr Bryan Altshullerat the proper time and you will avert many problems.
Dr Bryan Altshuller
DDS, M.Cl.D (Masters degree in the Specialty of Orthodontics). Practice devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of orthodontic problems in children, adolescents, and adults. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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