
American who owns BenedictXVI.com wants “one of those hats”

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Rogers Cadenhead, the American owner of BenedictXVI.com, has made a few requests in his blog. Mr. Cadenhead registered the valuable domain on April 1 along with ClementXV.com, InnocentXIV.com, LeoXIV.com, PaulVII.com and PiusXIII.com; all in anticipation of the recent Papal conclave 2005.

After Cardinal Ratzinger’s election as Pope Benedict XVI, international media swooped on the domain speculating that it may be owned by a pornographer or casino company. However amid the wild speculation, Mr. Cadenhead dismissed these and promised not to sell the domain to any such enterprises.

However today in a humorous manner the prolific computer guide writer posted on his blog a few requests, namely:

  1. Three days, two nights at the Vatican hotel they built for the conclave
  2. One of those hats
  3. Complete absolution, no questions asked, for the third week of March 1987
  4. A back-cover blurb from the Pope for the next edition of Movable Type 3 Bible Desktop Edition. But only if he uses the book to create his own weblog, and
  5. World peace.

However he was keen to stress that the requests are not demands and the whole thing was written in a witty humorous manner.

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