The Importance Of Waste Remediation

Submitted by: Michael Bryksa

What is so important about environmental remediation?

Not a lot of people have any idea what environmental remediation is and what it does. This article might even be the first time they’ve heard the term “environmental remediation”. But you can’t blame them. Environmental remediation isn’t your average walk-in-the-park subject. It is a technical and scientific field that requires special knowledge and an unwavering interest to really understand. Speaking of which, if you’ve gotten this far in the article, I commend you.

First let’s talk about environmental remediation.

Environmental remediation is the body of science that deals with the extraction of contaminants and pollution from environmental media such as sediment, soil, groundwater or surface water, etc. for the benefit of human health and the preservation of the environment.

It is the use of technology to help preserve the planet, not destroy it.


Environmental remediation is in practice around the world, most extensively in first-world, well-developed countries. But take note local governments have different rules and regulations in the implementation of environmental remediation practices. Private individuals may request a site assessment if he or she feels the property is contaminated. An agency or a company will conduct the remediation, for a free.

One thing you must know about environmental remediation is that it is expensive. This information may prove invaluable if you’re looking to start a business and have reason to believe that your site is polluted.

In some ways, this process is also known as waste remediation.

The idea behind remediation–and in this case, waste remediation–is the most important thing: “Hazardous waste and pollution needs to be taken care of before they contaminate the environment completely”. We don’t want to sit around before it’s too late, like that movie, James Cameron’s Avatar.

The process of waste remediation begins with the assessment of the property suspected of contamination. If the site has been abandoned for some time, remediation engineers identify the types of waste present in the land and determine the type of technology to be used for remediation.

For example if the property used to be the site of a factory that generates hazardous liquid chemicals, remediation engineers will use a technology designed to take care of that type of contamination.

There are several different ways to handle waste remediation. Sometimes the waste is directly removed from the site using highly specialized remediation equipment. In this case, the waste is packaged properly and transferred somewhere such as a landfill.

In some cases special chemical treatment is involved to completely remediate the contaminated environmental media. This is used when the pollutant has penetrated deep enough into the media and can no longer be remediated simply by removing it.

It takes longer for the remediation process to finish this day, but it is necessary. At least you know your property is clean and in good hands.

Waste management is important for the environment to survive in the long run. It would be nice if more people could learn about environmental remediation, and support the practice of it in their respective local communities.

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