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By Ray Subs
Every child needs toys, and children need to have a toy box to store them. Parents can buy plain, uninteresting boxes that will serve the practical purpose. Yet, the children’s room is so much more attractive when they choose a themed toy box.
Some of the toy box themes are based on occupations that children dream about. It is common for a child to say he will be a firefighter when he grows up. A toy box designed to look like a fire engine would suit this child well. He would notice the bright red box more often, reminding him to pick up and put away his toys.
Another choice is a toy box painted to look like a fire station. Kids will love putting their fire trucks into the station. It is just one more step to encourage them to put all their toys away.
There is a vast variety of animal themes that can be used. One is a barn toy box. There are many different versions of the painted barn. It can be red, with windows painted showing hay lofts. It can be brown instead with a dark roof that mimics the shape of a real barn’s roof. Kids who are into animal toys will not only put their toys away in this kind of box; they will actually play with the toy box.
Little girls may want to show their femininity throughout their rooms. Pink toy boxes are all the rage for them. There are toy boxes that have couch-shaped tops, decorated to bring glamour into the girl’s room. Many girls like butterflies so much that a butterfly toy box would be just right for them.
Most interesting to most little girls, though, is the princess theme. There are toy boxes that look like a castle where a princess might live. The princess carriage type of toy box is even more dramatic because it has a unique shape. It may even include special features like white horses to pull it. It is easy to show girls how pretty their toy box will look once they have put away their toys and made the room around it neat.
Popular toys have also been made into toy box themes. A nice present for a child would be a Raggedy Ann and Andy toy box. When they opened the box, they would find the rest of the present, the dolls of the same name.
Children begin to think of school long before they reach an age to attend there. Nothing would delight many children more than a toy box in the shape of a big yellow school bus. Some school bus boxes even have storage for toys beneath the hood, where the engine would go.
No matter what theme is chosen for a child’s toy box, it is bound to be appreciated more than an unadorned flat box. Themed boxes give the child a chance to express individuality and interests. They brighten up the child’s room. Most of all, they provide a compelling place to store books and toys.
About the Author: Ray Subs works with Heirloom Wooden Toys as a public relations consultant, more information about toy boxes can be found at heirloomwoodentoys.com
Source: isnare.com
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